Sunday, October 18, 2009

Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Conference

The MLA Conference was in St. Cloud, MN from October 14-16th. Excellent conference.

I volunteered for three hours selling t-shirts on wednesday. I sold four, but gave out several pre-paid shirts. I loved the front of the shirt "027.0776;" it means library in Dewey.

Thursday, I attended the entire day except for the opening speaker. The first session I went to was on Online Tutorials. I learned a lot from this session. I learned that video tutorials are the best kind of tutorials to create. People learn more from video tutorials, because there is less interaction/less interruption than in an HTML tutorial. (It's time to put that Instructional Design knowledge to good use.)

Session session was on tools like Twitter and Blogs. Presenter was unable to finish her presentation, because there were way too many questions. The session was way too basic. I knew a lot of what was already said. Learned a few new things: is a great way to share PowerPoints; there is a RSS Feed Burner that sends people emails when a website has been updated, this is the best way to check how many people are following your updates (I get RSS feeds via email from GRRL; I should have known this); also, found out about a Youtube video that gives a ten minute tour of the Harper College Library.

The third session was the best of the day. I took three pages of notes on customer service. I learned way too much. For starters, there needs to be a "a touch" like a conversation or smile. The "touch" begins at the transaction. Also, standards need to be set not policies. Standards can be followed, policies are read (and sometimes long.) The Red Wing Public Library experimented with bagging books and curb side drop off. I like the idea of bagging books, but am a little iffy on curb side drop off. Although, it would be pretty cool if libraries had drive up windows. I also learned that staff need to own the problem. You can't just direct the patron to a location, you need to make mistakes when your job is too help. I learned much more but way too much to mention.

The fourth session has the best name: "We're Off to See the Widget." It was about using different IMing services that libraries can put on their websites. The main focus was on Libraryh3lp. Other services like Meebo were mentioned. There was a mention of a Library Success Wiki. I need to check this out but sounds pretty cool.

I met lots of people: a prison librarian, a student in the MCTC program in Library Technology, people from MnPals, people from Minitex, and so much more.