Wednesday, March 25, 2009

More Things on a Stick, Thing 27

Thing 27... Twitter... Before starting Thing 27, I was not a big fan of Twitter. Never really cared for it. For Thing 27, I thought I would just give it a try. I did like the YouTube Video called How I made 5,000 Twitter Friends in 90 Days. I liked his point about creating two Twitter Accounts: one for personal use and one for professional use. What really motivated me to work with Twitter was that many use it to gain professionalism, so I thought I would try it to gain professionalism.

So, I joined Twitter, changed my background to one that came custom with Twitter, posted my first Tweet, and started following people or places.

I had been working on changing my background with Free Twitter Backgrounds, so now I have a super cool background. I also have Twitter updates sent to my blog so that you can see my updates on both Twitter and my blog.

One thing I don't really care for is how the @replies are set up. I don't like how I can send an @reply to someone and it will show up on my profile and homepage, but it won't show up on the other person's profile. How do you really know if the person you are replying to receives the reply?

I don't really see how Twitter can be used as a way to grow professionally. I do like how it can be used as a marketing tool for both a person or a place. For instance, an author can get his or her name out to others by using Twitter, and a place say Hennepin County Library can post events.

It is a little weird to have "followers" rather than "friends" or something similar to the phrase.

Other than that I don't mind Twitter. It's growing on me and I am visiting it frequently. And I do see how I could use this in work place, again using it as a marketing tool.

See you for Thing 28!